best settings.txt examples
allowObjLag = 1000
#cameraFov = 20.0
cameraSpeedMax = 2
cameraSpeedMin = 20
cameraSpeedStd = 0.20
#cameraStickToTerrain = true
#ceWindowLayout = CU1
colorConView = #87ceeb
colorShapeView = #87ceeb
consoleOutput = false
#createNewIfNotExist = true
#defaultElevationBox = 0
defaultMoveStep = 0.1
#deleteTrWatermarks = true
#deleteViewDbSpheres = true
fogColor = #D0D0FF
fogDensity = 0.55
#fpsLimit = 0
gameRoot = T:\0_NEKS
geoPath = H:/Hgt
#GoogleMapsKey =
ignoreMissingGlobalShapes = true
imageMapsUrl = ... ess_token=
leaveTrackShapeAfterDelete = false
loadAllWFiles = false
#mainwindowslayout= PWT
mapImageResolution = 1024
maxObjLag = 10
mouseSpeed = 0.1
numRecentItems = 30
objectLod = 4000
#oglDefaultLineWidth = 1
#renderTrItems = true
#routeName = cmk
shadowsEnabled = 0
snapableOnlyRot = false
#startTilex = -5306
#startTiley = 14961
#systemTheme = true
tileLod = 2
#toolsHidden = true
#useImperial = true
usenNumPad = true
UseQuadTree = false
warningBox = false
writeEnabled = true
writeTDB = true
I like it in alphabetical order.
It also slows down the camera.
#cameraFov = 20.0
cameraSpeedMax = 2
cameraSpeedMin = 20
cameraSpeedStd = 0.20
#cameraStickToTerrain = true
#ceWindowLayout = CU1
colorConView = #87ceeb
colorShapeView = #87ceeb
consoleOutput = false
#createNewIfNotExist = true
#defaultElevationBox = 0
defaultMoveStep = 0.1
#deleteTrWatermarks = true
#deleteViewDbSpheres = true
fogColor = #D0D0FF
fogDensity = 0.55
#fpsLimit = 0
gameRoot = T:\0_NEKS
geoPath = H:/Hgt
#GoogleMapsKey =
ignoreMissingGlobalShapes = true
imageMapsUrl = ... ess_token=
leaveTrackShapeAfterDelete = false
loadAllWFiles = false
#mainwindowslayout= PWT
mapImageResolution = 1024
maxObjLag = 10
mouseSpeed = 0.1
numRecentItems = 30
objectLod = 4000
#oglDefaultLineWidth = 1
#renderTrItems = true
#routeName = cmk
shadowsEnabled = 0
snapableOnlyRot = false
#startTilex = -5306
#startTiley = 14961
#systemTheme = true
tileLod = 2
#toolsHidden = true
#useImperial = true
usenNumPad = true
UseQuadTree = false
warningBox = false
writeEnabled = true
writeTDB = true
I like it in alphabetical order.
It also slows down the camera.