Terrtext Size Management

Forum for discussion about TSRE features.
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FS.E652 091
Posts: 9
Joined: 14 Aug 2020, 10:37
Greetings! I would like to point out to the developers of the program, a deficit that it has since it uses the Mapbox server related to terrain textures ..

That is, it is no longer possible to define a size in the settings file .. any terrain textures will be exported in 4096x4096, equivalent to 48Mb of weight !!

I use the satellite textures correctly on two of my scenarios under construction, the problem is that due to the size of the terrtext, they weigh more than 50 Gb ..

As a routes developer, I would like to know the reason why you could not add a function that allows you to resize the textures on the editor, so that you can have a lower weight .. (a 1024x1024 textures for example, would weigh much less !)

Also, currently, the only way to lighten them is to do it through Tgatool2A .. by converting in DXT which allows more size reduction.. but understand that on large scenarios and with more than 900 ACE files, it is equivalent to wasting a lot of time, and certainly it is a huge effort ..

My question is .. is there any program which allows you to select all textures and convert them to DXT or is there an improvement in the management of satellite textures?

Thanks for the reply

Posts: 59
Joined: 28 Feb 2021, 02:39
I've always used a batch file to convert my Terrtex folder to DXT.

I keep a copy of AceIt.exe in my terrtex folder, and run the following script:

Code: Select all

for %%f in (*map.ace) do (
            aceit %%f.ace -DXT -q

For comparison, I've got over 15,000 ACE files in each of the terrtex directories on two of my routes, so I let the batch file run overnight. But it works.

FS.E652 091
Posts: 9
Joined: 14 Aug 2020, 10:37
Thanks for the answer you gave me .. I didn't know about this procedure .. I'll do a test later! thanks a lot

FS.E652 091
Posts: 9
Joined: 14 Aug 2020, 10:37
eolesen wrote: 28 Oct 2021, 18:02 I've always used a batch file to convert my Terrtex folder to DXT.

I keep a copy of AceIt.exe in my terrtex folder, and run the following script:

Code: Select all

for %%f in (*map.ace) do (
            aceit %%f.ace -DXT -q

For comparison, I've got over 15,000 ACE files in each of the terrtex directories on two of my routes, so I let the batch file run overnight. But it works.
I have done a test but the result is this:
Immagine.jpg (233.35 KiB) Viewed 24200 times
Ho i can resolve it? i entered the script you attached in the batch file!

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