consist that crashes 7012

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This consist crashes 7012 back to desktop.

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Joined: 18 Jan 2019, 16:26
Get same with TSRE-CE as Derek.

Opened CON with ConBuilder: No Crash but UiD 35 & 37 displayed as Blank boxes. UiD 34 & 36 display correctly.
UiD ( 35 )
engineData ( bd_ohr&walcors3 BD_OHR&WALCORS3 )
Engine (
UiD ( 36 )
EngineData ( bd_ohr&walcors3 BD_OHR&WALCORS3 )
Wagon (
flip ()
UiD ( 37 )
engineData ( bd_ohr&walcors3 BD_OHR&WALCORS3 )
Edited "engineData" to "EngineData" for UiD 35 & 37
Reloaded All show correctly.

Opened with Convoi: No crash , BUT UiD 35 & 37 did not display with either the edited ( "E" for "e" ) or the unedited CON.

TSRE-CE crashes with either edited of unedited CON.

Could it be the "&" in the file/folder names?
No TSRE-CE opens CONs with an & in the file/folder names.

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Another thing I noticed. The items 1-33 appeared to be created by a different editor than the items #34-37 . What editor was used?

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I don't have time to test this file, but check if it isn't caused by the missing space in "Flip ()" definition. Shouldn't it be "Flip ( )"?

Posts: 14
Joined: 27 May 2019, 10:22
Location: victoria, Australia
Good pickup.

Not the problem though, still crash to desktop.

I did have 21 occurrences of flip () though.

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