Track Database issue & ghost piece

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Posts: 1
Joined: 07 Apr 2022, 23:43
First let me say that I just wish I was many years younger and had time to learn to use TSRE for everything but
at 83, I'm either too old, or have concrete brains.

I had been adding track and roads to a route, using MSTS/RE without any issue until, while adding a road I noticed a gap in the nearby track that should not be there. On examination, the database line was present (and it was in TSRE as well) but I could not select either track piece next to this "gap". However, TSRE allowed me to delete those tracks, thus leaving the problem isolated. However TSRE will still not select this "piece" so neither of the hack functions is usable. I have attached a image of the situation and so I wonder if there is not, or maybe could be, a way to eliminate such an issue by using the numbers of the ends of the "piece".

And Goku, I must thank you very much for the effort you have put in, doing this work. You are very close to the hot war we see on the news here and I hold you and your loved ones in prayer for safety in that situation. One reason that I didn't stop to learn all I could about TSRE is that I had already laid track & roads on all but this route for my future routes.

J. Sullivan
Florida, USA
ERROR_01.JPG (150.41 KiB) Viewed 38377 times

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