Multiplayer Editing Demo

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Using TSRE version v0.7.006 you can test the multiplayer editing demo by yourself. Even host your own demo server.

1. Download this TSRE version of newer.
2. Download demo route and put it in your ./routes/ directory.
3. Set server login in settings.txt:
serverLogin =
Replace username with your username. Authentication doesn't work, so make sure that it is unique.
4. Make sure that gameRoot in settings.txt is properly set to your game directory where did you put the demo route.
5. Run TSRE. It should instantly connect to the server and load route.

Using F3 menu for tile generation won't work and may cause server to crash, so don't use it.


If you want to host your own server, just run TSRE in console using this command:
./TSRE5 --server --platform offscreen
Server is listening on port 65534.
Make sure that gameRoot and routeName is properly set. Make sure that there is no serverLogin property.

To save route, type in console:
To quit, type in console;

For 64 bit Linux you can download TSRE_v0.7.005_ARCH executable.
Unlike Windows version, this doesn't use static QT, so you must have QT installed on your system. Also install qt5-websockets and openal.
Also, all filenames in the route directory must be lowercase. You can use script from tsre5 website.


It is not even close to a complete feature, but it works.

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Well this is cool! Thank ou

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tsre5 multiplayer work with TSRE5_v0.7.006 from


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Live editing with multiple people? Interesting.

Are there constraints i.e. world files can only be checked out to one person at a time?

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Only problem is lack of undo.

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Good afternoon. We have our own routes that we want to develop in multiplayer. I would like to know in more detail how to organize your server, preferably Linux, since there is enough of its own capacity.
Sincerely, the development team of MaDaDev Inc RTrainSim.

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This is great.
I definetly want to make my own server.
I already tested connecting to the bbb route server and messe around a bit :roll:

Now I am unsure how to go on to create my own server. I followed instructions but got this message:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "offscreen"
in "".

Available platform plugins are: windows.
So I tried .\TSRE5 --server --platform windows
didn't return any message but nothing else happened so I assume it is working, right?

So my next question is... how do I open a TSRE5 instance and access the server from the same PC... and how do I make someone access it from their end.

Besisdes it comes to my mind that i probably will need different settings.txt files for running a server and runnign a client so I should probably have two different TSRE5 instalations, right?

I'm very noob on this kind of thing!

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Platform offscreen is probably needed only for linux servers.
Yes, you must have two instances of tsre.

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Good evening.
Please tell me, as far as I understand, you need to use the graphical version of ArchLinux or not?

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No, you can use it in console.
If no GUI is present on the system, remember to use platform offscreen.
It doesnt have to be ARCH linux. It should work in other distros too, but it is compiled using ARCH, so that is probably the best choice.

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