Angle on Dynamic Track

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Would it be possible to get more decimal positions of precision on the angle field for Dynamic Track?

One degree of curve is equal to 0.017 radians. A 0.5 degree curve would be 0.0085 and a 0.25 degree curve would be 0.00425 -- neither value is possible with the edit box being restricted to three decimal places.

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Good idéa, the same thing for the radius, standart spacing between 2 tracks is 4,985m.

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Why do you need so precise values? In case of track alignment try flex dyntrack.

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I've already given two fractional values that are impossible to accommodate without the fourth and fifth digit of precision, and there are plenty of real world situations where you need that fractional value to cleanly join your track together.

Otherwise, you wind up with a gap between the rail ends on the pieces being joined and a very visible jump in the game.

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In joining tracks just use flex. It has "infinite" precision and can do the work for you in just three clicks.

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How does Flex work? It's not documented as far as I can tell.

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Can anyone explain how Flex works? I've tried a couple different ways, and all I ever end up with is extra pieces of Dynamic Track being dropped on the terrain...

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Bump... any tips on how flex is supposed to work?

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eolesen wrote: 21 Mar 2021, 16:23 Bump... any tips on how flex is supposed to work?
Say - you've got two pieces of a straight track placed at different angles and you want to connect them with a dynamic track. In the old MSTS Editor it would be trial and error process and still you would end up with a tiny seam between the dynamic track's end and the next straight piece that could result in derailments or other shenanigans. With the flex tool just place the dynamic track piece at the beginning of the curve (do not click anything else or the track will deselect and make a TDB entry!), click the Flex button on the left-hand toolbar and then click on the end of a track piece you'd like to connect with the dynamic track. TSRE should automatically calculate the values (angle, radius, length of a straight section if needed) and create the track, saving you lots of time and frustration.

Just a tip though - SAVE every time before creating a dynamic track using the Flex tool as this might crash the editor if it's unable to create the track (TSRE should return an error message). If the crashing persists, make adjustments to the track layout so the editor can create a dynamic track in that place.

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thanks - I'll give it a try later

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