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Adjusting object to track

Posted: 31 May 2020, 02:38
Hello i am Antuan!

Sorry, I'm new to TSRE5 Editor and have a hard time finding information. I found your Activity Editor's Manual almost by chance, but I don't know if there are more or where they might be.

So I'm asking here to see if anyone can do me the favor of helping me.

I would be interested in automatically placing the 3D modeled track sleepers. It's a particular route that needs them placed like this.

But I have the problem that, no matter how hard I try, the objects fall to the ground instead of adjusting to the position of the tracks.

The "Stick to Target" box is checked. The target is "Tracks". Lon offset controls don't work.

How do you do this? Is there a manual for searching for things like this?

Thank you very much!

Re: Adjusting object to track

Posted: 01 Jun 2020, 04:10
Sorted out, thanks.

The method was simply to model the object as half a meter higher.
