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Is it possible to move signal marker without moving shape?

Posted: 25 Apr 2020, 09:37
by Csantucci
I'm quite new in using TSRE5. Is it possible to move a signal marker without moving the signal shape?
Second question. I have a slow computer, so editing complex routes is difficult. Are there some display features (like shadows) that can be disabled, so that the CPU is less loaded?

Re: Is it possible to move signal marker without moving shape?

Posted: 25 Apr 2020, 10:13
by Kapitaen13
Hello Carlos
Is it possible to move a signal marker without moving the signal shape?

I think not. I always set the signal anew.
Are there some display features (like shadows) that can be disabled,
in settings.txt: shadowsEnabled = 0
and much more see link

Re: Is it possible to move signal marker without moving shape?

Posted: 25 Apr 2020, 11:53
by Csantucci
Thank you very much!