TSRE question???

Forum for discussion about TSRE features.
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I've recently been looking into Speedpost data. I'm interested in figuring out if on the Track Monitor in Open Rails is the speed shown a Freight or a passenger speed depending upon player. During my research into "speeds" and digging through the Open Rails source code, I found something curious....and was wondering if there is an explanation for it. I know the .TDB file is the track database file, and there is a .TIT file which I believe is the Track items Table file. however it appears that the entire contents of the .TIT file is in the .TDB file. After posting the above on Elvas Tower, I got a response.."OpenRails doesn't use neither the .tit nor the .rit file." Does TSRE use the .TIT file for some purpose?

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No. Tit is made by TSRE only for MSTS backward compatibility.

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