Dynamic track problem

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Joined: 19 Feb 2019, 12:17
You have already seen my post on https://www.trainsim.com/vbts/showthrea ... ck-problem . And i have a question about that. You told that
"I think that the route used old tsection.dat, not compatibile with your current global tsection.dat.
Because you saved route in TSRE with not compatibile global tsection.dat, TSRE destroyed route tsection.dat. This file contains dynamic tracks. MSTS crashes because all data for dynamic tracks is missing."
But the case was not the same. The route was created very long ago in MSRE and now i have modified it using both MSRE and TSRE (mostly TSRE) and saved the route hundreds of time and all was good (so there should be no problem with saving an old route in TSRE after modification). But after that i gave the route to my friend for signal and speedpost placing (i am noob at signal system and too lazy to place speedposts). After his signal placing in MSRE the route was trashed (dont know why) and one of the bugs was with some broken dynamic track vectors (but only some of them, not all).
So the questions are:
1) Why could that happen? What to do to prevent it in future when working with the backup?
2) If i teach my friend to place all the interactives in TSRE (and forget about MSRE forever) so is there a chance that the route can be trashed in TSRE in this way or that can happen only in MSRE? Is it safe to place signals and sidings on that old dynamic tracks in TSRE? Should we rewrite all the dynamic tracks in tdb using double-Z in TSRE or its not needed?
3) I dont understand your explanation about tsection.dat. As i told - i saved the route in TSRE for many times and all was good. So whats the problem after my friend's work? I can give you our tsection.dat from the backup to check it for compatibility....

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If you already saved it many times in TSRE with no problems, then it is not the case.
Unless your friend had an incompatible global tsection.dat. TSRE rewrites local tsection.dat even if you don't touch dynamic tracks.
Did your friend successfully edited this route earlier or it was broken after first try?

It's difficult to say what happened. You can always send me the broken route for investigation. (Without textures and terrtex and other texture files).

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