Error in the TBD of Dynamic tracks

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There are a bunch of replacement text editors out there.

ConText is one. I've used Notepad++ and Notepad2 (my current preference). They are all capable of UTF8 encoding, which is important when it comes to MSTS and ORTS.

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Hello eolesen,
Thank you so much for everything. We have started to rebuild the route.

Posts: 35
Joined: 19 May 2020, 13:46
Hello everyone, After a long discussion on dynamic tracks, we started building the route again. However, after a certain point, we faced the same issue. So, if we create a new route, is there any way to bring the existing track structure to that new route? Otherwise, sadly, we will be losing all the work we have done so far.

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It is a long time since I added extra World files to a route but as I recall I was trying to merge 2 routes.
I tried the "Merge Route" function in RouteRiter without success. You can find this in TSUtils.

My second, but this time successful effort, was to add the tiles one at a time and process them in MSTS Route Editor.
To try out the process I advise you to start a test route placing consisting of a single tile somewhere in the middle of your route.
Then import the terrain form the Tiles folder.
When all looks good import the file from the World folder. I remember I had problems with the dynamic track and had to edit the world file by hand. I did a search for "dyn" and then deleted every entry for dynamic track. I opened the world file in Wordpad to do this.
I cannot remember how I dealt with all the interactives.
Then when I opened the route in Route Editor everything was in place, but the track and roads were not in the database so I had to proceed along the track selecting each piece in turn. I cannot remember why I did not rebuild the tdb in RouteRiter.

A slow process but I thought it quicker than starting the route again


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I looked into TSRE code and there is indeed a limit of 65563 sections that can be used iside a trackpath vector. Maybe I changed it from int to short when making an android version.
Source code change is required to fix this issue.

From short to int, Here: ... hape.h#L25
Should be enough. Good luck.

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Hello, Goku. And Merry Christmas.
Thanks for your wonderful program.

I am interested in compiling the Dyntrack fix by myself, but I need the source code of 0.7.012. Is it in one of the branches on Github?

Upd. I've found it. Game.cpp cleared up my confusion. I'm new to the Github.
Last edited by MichaelD on 27 Dec 2023, 19:49, edited 4 times in total.

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Thanks to some help within the community, we've been able to get TSRE running in a compiler.

Making this suggested change will now be possible shortly.

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Now available at GitHub:
Last edited by eolesen on 21 Feb 2024, 03:31, edited 1 time in total.

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eolesen wrote: 19 Jan 2024, 02:31 Now available at GitHub:
I've tested your build - it is still converting 65536 and further to 0 and further in tsection.dat. I've tested many of past builds, and they have the same issue.

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The fix Goku suggested is folded into his master. I may have reverted the copy in my fork, so try Goku's.

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