Error in the TBD of Dynamic tracks

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Posts: 46
Joined: 16 Jan 2019, 15:21
Unfortunately, you can not see everything on the video.
Switch to switch is not allowed ( JunctionNode 164 / 283? ), at least 1m straight or more between them.
Then the JunctionNode 164 looks like a shortened switch.
Did you try to lay a straight piece of track at tracknode 112 (e.g. 10m). Can you then lay a dynamic track on it?

Posts: 35
Joined: 19 May 2020, 13:46
Thank You Kapitean13 for reply, but unfortunately its not working. I don't think this issue can be solved by changing combinations in track placement. Is there any option to remove TBD of entire tile ?

Posts: 31
Joined: 16 Jan 2019, 16:12
Looking at your first image. 96 is in blue, but all the other point numbers are red. This might be because you have the point selected or is it a fault?

Editing the tdb file by hand can lead to more problems but might be worth a try.

First make a backup of your route. I still do this regularly, an old habit from using MSTS. Regularly copy at least the TD folder and all the folders and loose files from Tiles down.

Second use TSRE if you can to delete track from the tile. Save regularly. When you get down to the problem track open the tdb file using Wordpad or ConText.
Each track item has its own entry and the UID line gives the tile number. Try deleting everything for each track node, eg

TrackNode ( 2
TrEndNode ( 0 )
UiD ( -5810 14715 2759 1 -5810 14715 -685.51666 387.96298 831.53101 0 -0.20951542 0 )
TrPins ( 1 0
TrPin ( 4 1 )

When you have saved the modified tdb file, shut you eyes and open TSRE .........

If it fails, reload your backup.


Posts: 59
Joined: 28 Feb 2021, 02:39
No way to do a rebuild for just a single tile. Hand editing the TDB is not for the risk averse. I do it, but I've been building routes for 12+ years, and will only use it to get rid of an occasional orphaned track section.

If you go to Tools -> Errors & Messages does anything come up?

Enabling the Fix Errors Automatically feature might also clean up some things for you.

How big is the route? Uploading it for others to look at might help diagnose this a lot easier than trying to triage based on a video.

Posts: 7
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Location: France Charente
Like eolesen write, use the "Tools -> Errors & Messages" feature. In the video, the junction node 259 is not linked to a track section, TSRE report an error. Correct all errors before more investigations.
Try to put a DT anywhere on the tile, hit Z key and see what'happen. If TSRE crash, it's possible that the local TSection.dat is faulty.

Posts: 35
Joined: 19 May 2020, 13:46
Garry, thank you but I don't want to take a risk to edit TBD file manually because I don't have any experience of editing it.
Eolesen and Jeanmarc, there is no message in "Errors and Messages".
So finally I have decided to upload route here. Following link needs access so send request for access from your forum name so that it will be easy for me to give access. Hope This will solve my issue. Thanks to all again.

Route link :- ... share_link

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Location: France Charente
I send you 2 requests, the first have a blank message.
What is your version of TSRE, mine is v07.007

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Joined: 18 Jan 2019, 17:01
Location: France Charente
I take a look to your route. Your local TSecction.dat have 25872 tracksections n° 40002 to 65870, I think that you have reached the max limit of DT. If I delete this file, I can put a DT without crash. Sorry but rework your route with less DT.

Posts: 35
Joined: 19 May 2020, 13:46
Thank You. Max limit of Dynamic tracks for a particular tile or for entire route ?. Also form where we can check whether we have reached max limit for DT or not ?.

Posts: 7
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Location: France Charente
The max limit is for the entire route.
At trainsim forum, in the "Merging Routes Tutorial", ATSF explain why the limit is 65535 for dynamic tracks (24/09/2012).

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